Sunday, May 4, 2014

BB Activities

There are a lot of different Best Buddies activities you can do in the spring. There are different things for holidays that are coming up and just activities in general. This will hopefully give you some ideas on what to do for some Best Buddies spring activities. By the end of the year it can be challenging to come up with more activities.

You can do something for Easter. There can be an Easter party, similar to a Christmas party. You can have all sorts of activities for this. They can range from dying Easter eggs to making drawings. For dying Easter eggs you need to make sure there is something covering tables to ensure there will be less of a mess. Another Easter activity is an egg scavenger hunt. This can be done indoors, or outside. It is always fun and people love getting candy.

Dying t-shirts is also something fun to do in the spring time, when it is nice out. You always need a backup plan in case it rains. For the backup plan you need table covers and gloves. Tie dying is always messy. To me it seems like you almost always get dye on everything, no matter how much you try not to. Every year when we do this inside we get dye all over the tables. It is always nice to have something that can take off the dye that has dried. I feel like it is inevitable, something will get covered in dye or stained by it. You can reuse the bottles you use to tie dye the shirts. Just make sure they are cleaned completely.

Another idea is having talent show. I like to have this at the end of the year in the spring, because people know their buddies better than they did at the beginning of the year. I think they could either help their buddy or preform with them. It would provide bonding time and make the talent show a success. I really hope ours goes well this year. I want every buddy pair to be successful, and have a great time preforming. I would also like the whole school here to see it. I want everyone to get applause and feel extremely special. Student without disabilities have more opportunities to show off talents, but this would be their one special night where they get to show everyone how talented they are, and what they can do.

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