Sunday, April 6, 2014

Does Best Buddies Build Lasting Friendships?

Does Best Buddies helps build lasting friendships?  This is an important question for the people who run the Best Buddies International Organization. This will tell the people who run the company if their mission is being accomplished. They want people to build lasting friendships with the people they are buddies with through the program.

If this goal is not achieved then they will need to figure out what they can do to help get this goal achieved. This is such an important aspect of Best Buddies and I fear it is not happening. There are some people who do though. This is a good thing and they need to ask them how they did this.

They could possibly look at their matching process. The matching process is not as specific and down to the human level as I like it to be at my chapter. I understand it is the best they can do online, but they do not get down to the questions they need to ask to know who will be a good buddy. I personally like to interview everyone that will be in the program and decide who I think would be a good fit for who. I also get to know all of the buddies though out the year and match them based on their personalities. This helps a lot when it comes to finding a good match for them.

This can also be asked at individual schools to find out whether they are being a successful chapter. This could result in a little bonus for the chapter and having some of their dues waved for the highest ranking lasting friendships. This could be a great incentive program for the chapters. On the flip side if they are not doing so well they can have surrounding chapters show them how to make it more successful.

They can also use this on a state level. The states with higher rankings can be praised in some way, while the states that are struggling can be helped. If there are some outstanding states I think they should definitely be praised. This would be a huge accomplishment. If there is a struggling state I also think they should get some help from the International Cooperation to make the program better for everyone involved. If they improve then there can be some praise for that. I think this would be a great question for Best Buddies International to ask itself and follow through on.

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