Sunday, March 16, 2014

Spread the Word

Does spread the word to end the word actually help people stop using the R-word? This would be a great question for the people at Best Buddies International to ask themselves. I know here it has an impact, but does it at other schools or is our school community just better about accepting the special needs students and respecting them? The Spread the Word was a great idea, but a lot of the execution can be done better.

There can be some other activities during that week that might make more of a difference than the ones they do. They have a whole week dedicated to the program, but a designated day for people who do not want to use the entire week to do it. There are some better things that they can do like showing videos of inspirational people during this week, or even having people at the school say why they do not like the R-word.

If spread the word to end the word helps end use of the R-word then it should be promoted all over the country in all schools. The program makes a difference at our school. I know we are very in tune with the students at school and try our best to make the school community a better place for everyone. This is not the case for all schools though, some have more of an issue of it than others. They have widespread disrespect for the students in the special education classrooms. This needs to change in a lot of schools. They need to make sure that they do something to change this. If programs like this can make a difference, then they should be implemented everywhere.

If spread the word to end the word does not help end use of the R-word then they should try to do something to improve the program to make it work. There are new activities they could try, there are also different speakers they could have come talk to the schools. Some schools will not change, but others can and will with proper programs and incentives.

To find out if Spread the Word works an interview can be taken of kids at schools that participate in it. The interview can include whether they used the R-word before the program came to the school or after it did. Based on the answers of the students the program can be either altered or not.

Surveys could also be given instead to ensure that students have privacy so they will answer truthfully about the word, without fear of punishment. There are many different things that can be done to ensure all students are treated fairly this is one of them. I hope more schools will try this.

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