Thursday, December 12, 2013


This is an insane thing to have happened at such a large event held by the government. I cannot believe that this happened at Nelson Mandela’s funeral of all places. I feel very bad for the deaf people that attended and had no idea what was being said because of him. His services were requested specifically for the deaf community in South Africa to be able to understand the funeral of this important figure. He was also hired by the government, which means they have some explaining to do. A lot of people in the deaf community have complained about him signing before at other important events he has been hired for and signed nonsense at.

He claims he has schizophrenia, which I don’t believe because I have dealt with many people with it and they are not anywhere near that calm when having an episode. In the newspaper he said “Anyone who doesn't understand this illness will think that I'm just making this up" This is completely untrue both people who do know the illness and who don’t will know it is a lie.

If he really does have schizophrenia my question is why would he be allowed to perform at such an important service with such important people there? That disease is not controlled very well in most people and in high pressure situations, like interoperating your country’s most important figure’s funeral, they could get violent quickly. If they are violent and are so close to all of those important figures they could harm them before security could stop them. They also have very little warning before they get violent. This could create a very bad situation for people. So the way I look at it if he has schizophrenia or not he still should not have been up there and the government still has to come up with a good reason why he was hired.

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