Sunday, October 20, 2013

Breaking Steriotypes (Being blind)

Blind people cannot see anything at all is a common misconception. There are different levels of blindness. Some cannot see far away while others cannot see close up. There is also some where people cannot see out of their peripheral vision and some cannot see out of their direct line of sight. There is also night blindness. All of these things can make people be considered legally blind but they can still see a lot of things. There are other types where they can see motion or shapes but not anything else.

Blind people cannot use a computer is another common misconception. Blind people use computers a lot. It might not be the easiest thing to use all the time for blind people, depending on the level of things they can see, but it can be done. There are little bumps on the keyboard to help them type and keep centered on the keyboard. There is also speaking text where they can have the written text be spoken to them. If they are not completely blind then they are able to use the computer either close to them or far away from them which ever they need.

Another common misconception people have is that blind people cannot use a cell phone.  One of my blind friends has an IPhone and is on it all the time. He loves the freedom it gives him. He is now able to communicate with all his friends and parents so he can go out and do whatever he wants. There are a lot of adaptive technologies like speak to text and you can talk to make apps work that help blind people to be able to use phones.

A common misconception is that blind people are totally dependent on other people that can see for daily life. This is definitely not true. Blind people can get from place to place with their cane or service dogs for safety. It would be very easy to rely on someone else but there are always ways to overcome challenges. They might not be able to see but their ability to problem solve is great. It takes a lot to come up with ways you can live independently, safely, while blind. But it can be done and technology is making that much easier on them.

Blind people cannot raise children on their own is another very common misconception. I have seen that most people are shocked to find out I actually know two blind parents who raised a child on their own. They just had to come up with some creative ways to do it and keep their child safe, one of which included tying bells on their daughter’s shoes so they could tell where she was. If they fill their world with sounds then their child can be safe in the house. They just will live in a noisy house.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked this post because I didn't know all those things about blindness and how much technology blind people use. I think you could elaborate more on the last paragraph, or sentence, but this really educated me and I like your topic.
